The Phoenix Church, a non-denominational assembly, seeks to be a community of faith.
Its members are united in the worship of God, known in Jesus Christ, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Our mission is to serve God through word and witness, to treat all human beings as sisters and brothers,
and to foster responsible stewardship of all God’s creation.
In the spirit of God’s affirmation and love for all people,
we declare that we are a faith community which welcomes and accepts all persons,
celebrating the diversity found in the congregation, including persons from all backgrounds
such as race, religion, economic class, abilities, ethnicity, gender, age, and sexual orientation.
Members are called to an individual and collective quality of life that leads to personal, spiritual, and social transformation,
witnessing to God’s saving purposes for all creation.
Therefore, we pledge ourselves to education, reflection, actions for peace and justice,
and the realization of the vision of the heavenly banquet where all are loved and blessed
and are seated together, in love, forgiveness, and unity.